Friday 15 May 2015

Foods on Friday

For Diabetes Blog Week's Foods on Friday I wanted to share, for comment, what a general week looks like in my life from a food and exercise 'Diabetes' point of view. Mainly because I don't really separate the three from each other - for me, these three elements in particular impact and cycle into each other. I also look at my overall managment in terms of a week, rather than a day. As I find that rarely does one single day only ever effect or be effected by that same single day! Thank you diabetes!

The following table is very much a generalization though as depending on the time of year, I often also work 1 -3 nights a week. And of course things completely change again when I'm in holiday mode!

My struggles at the moment mainly center around getting my post gym basal, food and bolus right. And overall my basal makes up about 60-70% of my total daily insulin intake, which I'm told is the wrong way around - that actually it is my bolus that should really be around 60%.... but I figured this is because I try to stick to low-medium carb intake???? I am currently looking into this further, asking around and digging on the net but if you have any thoughts/experiences on this please share, I'd really love to hear from you!

This post was written as part of Diabetes Blog Week 2015

Click for the Foods on Friday - Friday 5/15 Link List. 
Taking a cue from Adam Brown's recent post, write a post documenting what you eat in a day!  Feel free to add links to recommended recipes/shops/whatever.  Make it an ideal day or a come-as-you-are day – no judgments either way.  (Thank you, Katy of  Bigfoot Child Have Diabetes for this topic.)


  1. Before my insulin needs inexplicably increased, my bolus/basal ratio was 20/80...also because of a lower carb intake! Though over the last 2 months my ratio has been 50/50. I have no idea why.

    1. Thank you for tell me that. That is really reassuring to know! Your blog is really great by the way, I am totally stealing some of your food ideas ;-) x

  2. Great to find a fellow espresso drinker! Tip of the hat to you, I really admire that you're able to get up for the gym at 4am and then have a full day of work. Well done :)

    1. Love me an espresso! I admit thought that I am also prone to the odd coffee shot on instagram too. A good espresso deserves a shout out lol. Getting up at 4am is hard, I wont lie, it definitely does not come easy and the snooze monster is with me every darn day.. secretly whispering me to sleep in, but life my life is better if I've been active before work so its worth the 5-10mins of struggle. Thanks for the kind words :)

  3. WOW! I would love to have a mind that works this way---I can't imagine understanding myself/being self-aware enough to make a chart like this. It is so cool!

    1. Thanks Katy :) It can take a bit of time to fall into that pattern once I'm off it (ie if im on holidays etc) and life is never 100% like this every week but the control freak in me just loves a bit of consistent routine haha

  4. As far as I can tell, the basal/bolus ratio is totally dependent on what one eats. That being said I am usually at about 50/50 or 60/40 or 40/60. But looking back in my pump history, I see some days that are all over the map. I am a big fan of the idea that my body doesn't know the difference between bolus and basal insulin. It's just insulin.

    1. Thanks Laddie, I really appreciate you saying that as it says to me that diabetes continues to be an individual condition just as much as we can also be similar to one another.

  5. OK this chart is amazing! I try to make a schedule but always seem to procrastinate or something else happens and my schedule gets kicked to the curb. My ratio is 30% basal and 70% bolus, but I think that's mainly because of how many carbs I eat-oops!

    1. Thanks Kelley :) nothing wrong with eating carbs. I love them, just they don't really love me back so much! I find that overall, I'm a generally better on just a few of them that's all. Very much an individual choice, but that's interesting that you say your ratio is almost the opposite to me, because you have a higher intake. Really appreciate you sharing that with me :)

  6. Such a slacker sleeping till 6. haha!
    You are amazing, for real. I couldn't do this, much less my kids! I'm guessing your ratio may be off since you have so much exercise therefore reducing your need for basal. You are also not eating THAT many carbs. You are SO healthy and must have amazing self control. Thanks for sharing!! Gives us something to strive for, haha! : )
