My partner has been back living with me all of four days and I'm off the rails and with no one to blame but myself. At the moment it is very clear (and much to everyone's annoyance) there are three in the relationship: Me, diabetes and him. Now if I had my blood sugars under control, there would still be three but diabetes would be hanging out in her own room behaving herself.
I'm sitting here in a tired blur from blood sugar swings ranging from 24 to 2 in a 24 hour period... yes, not exactly what I'd had in mind a month in to my 'amazingly, best ever' year yet! I'm terrible for my lack of personal discipline and although I identified this in myself earlier this year, I appear to have hit a fence! I will now pay for it by spending the next 24 - 72 hours working out how to get over it, under it or through it, only to have to work on removing the splinters or barbed wire I've managed to drag through with me, over the weekend. But that's ok.. perseverance!..I will get better at this!
The silliest thing in my current situation is that my partner is the perfect influence. Plenty of personal discipline, scheduled, fit and possibly one of the world's healthiest eaters. Its just he eats 'boyfriend' portions, and can obviously sneak a few 'naughty pleasures' past his mouth and the rest of his body doesn't even a glass of wine here and there, or yogurt with honey and banana at 9pm.... Diabetes has spy camera's everywhere and one way or another she gets me. Consequences vary but none are that fun!
This is also in addition to the pair of us suffering from lack of sleep...the queen bed had plenty of room when it was just me! Trying to sleep while subconsciously trying to stay close to the edge (both as a courtesy and so as not to roll in the middle and become squashed), combined with slightly different morning alarms is hopefully just a teething issue as we reacquaint ourselves with what it used to be like living with each other!
So this weekend I'm going to work a bit harder at ensuring I keep up to date with my food diary, forward plan my meals and perhaps re-organise the house to be a little bit more boyfriend friendly! Its amazing we're not ripping each other's hair out...but then it is only Wednesday!
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