Saturday, 18 February 2012

Enough already

After running all week, I headed back to the gym this morning. Woke with the best morning blood sugar I've had in a while (7.0) but unfortunately had a crazy head ache - the type that even after knocking back two nurofen zavance, still sits at your forehead, resting on your eyebrows, hitting you with every jump... BUT with that blood sugar, I was upbeat, and off to the gym I went - Although it was definitely a case of 'easing into it'. Feeling much better now but here's what happened...

While I appreciate the concern, sometimes it feels like the whole world thinks they know what its like being a diabetic, just because they studied a module for their cert 4 in fitness or did a subject a school, or even worse, watched some news story on a current affair. A simple 'Are you ok?' or 'Can I do anything' is usually enough and often much more appreciated.


  1. Just found out about your fantastic blog! have to admit I am the world's worst gym buddy! I will improve.. you have inspired me now.. ps thanks for the laugh! this blog did it for me :)

  2. Don't worry, I'm not winning any prizes this week either! I've been so caught up at work this week. Goingto gym tonight, but next week its definitely back on properly! lol
