When first told this news, I went all gluten free, alcohol free and dairy free. It worked and I was pain free. After about a year, I started to relax and introduce a bit if dairy, gluten and alcohol back into my diet with no problems. But, I've been too relaxed, and Saturday’s pain was proof. I could hardly sleep, it was as though someone had reached in a grabbed my intestines screwed then into the palm of their hand and wouldn't let go. Years ago when I first became intolerant I sometimes couldn't even stand up straight and would have to retreat to my bed in the foetal position. So, its easy to say I don not want to go back to that situation!
So I think
it's time to drastically cut back on the gluten and dairy again (and yes ok, the alcohol too). My body will thank me, I'm sure!
How many of you are following gluten and/or dairy free diets with Type 1? Or even a Paleo Diet?
I do, I follow a plant based diet!
Thanks for sharing your site! I signed up right away! :)