Friday, 26 April 2013

That one time at.....

.... a mall in Texas, America , I was doing a spot of massive shopping, with my boyfriend at the time, when one of those ‘Secrets from the Dead Sea’ type beauty product people literally grabs my hand and starts rubbing something in. My boyfriend mentions that we were actually on our way to eat ‘as she is a Type 1 Diabetic, so we must be on our way’. But nope, that excuse didn’t quiet go down as planned, rather the Salesperson gasped and almost steps back in horror, all the while still holding my hand. In fact she lifts my hand up into my face so that my painted (slightly chipped nails) are practically in my eye balls and says ‘You know Type 1 Diabetics are not supposed to paint their nails! Naughty! You are more susceptible to chemicals and the polish seeps in through your nails, raising your blood sugars!’

She then proceeded to just glare at me some more as she babbled on about how now I really really needed her product to right all the wrongs I’d caused with the nail polish. 

If only I'd known earlier why I was getting high blood sugars, I would've drunk more juice, eaten more cake and just not painted my nails! Tell me there's not a scrap of proof in this!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Health and Fitness Super Sleuthing

Having noticed that I was starting to ‘plateau’ of sorts at the gym and with my diet, I decided I needed to do a bit of super sleuthing deeper into the shape of my fitness health. So I went and did a Bio Age test, a Body Composition Test and booked into see a dietitian that was outside the traditional public health/diabetes system. I’ve also been investigating some new exercise options outside of my usual gym sessions... so when I saw an offer to try Cardio Tennis for free I couldn’t resist. I didn’t need my own tennis racket or to even know how to actually play!

Here's what I thought of them all:

Friday, 19 April 2013

My Mother Hubbard Cupboard

I sometimes get asked what my food staples are, what do I always have in my pantry? Living in an area prone to cyclones, this also becomes extremely important during the wet season!

So here's my quick list of essentials in my pantry (fridge/freezer staples to come later):

Apple Cider Vinegar
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Raw 100% Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
Canned beans: four bean mix, kidney beans, chick peas, lentils, cannelloni beans (I don't have every type all the time, just a small selection)
Canned Tomatoes
Protein Powder
Almond Meal
Raw Almonds
Canned Tuna
Green Tea
Black Tea 
Stevia (or other natural sweetener)
Raw sugar or honey (can be used for lows too of course)
UHT Skim Milk (for absolute desperate when the power is out etc)

Spices: Cinnamon. Cayenne, Turmeric, Pepper, Salt (I have many others, as I Love Love spices but these are my MUSTS)


I find that with these ingredients I can always create a meal or two, even if its just because I'm lazy and haven't been to the shops in days! Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Apple cider vinegar, lemons, garlic, tumeric and cayenne are a fantastic way to make great salad and vegetable dressings with minimal to no salt or sugar. They are also great for jazzing up plain meals and have multiple health benefits.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Not such a walk in the park!

A couple of weeks ago, my fiance and I partook in a 12km charity walk which I have been meaning to write about ever since! Mainly because it left us absolutely knackered! Hats off to all you walkers, both being regulars at the gym, we cannot believe just how much the Sunday adventure 'hurt' us: three days later we were still weary lol! Upon completion in just under 2hours, our feet were a bit sore, we were a bit tired and straving, and with tight muscles but that was it. Well! Come the Monday I was hobbling! By the Tuesday morning I could still barely pull off a single set of squats!
Diabetically speaking, I experienced something pretty new and interesting though (which also made me secretly do backflips inside like a little diabetic champion gymnast). The walk was at 7am, so at 5.30 I had a coffee and slice of toast (in hindsight, probably not enough). My body seemed a little confused and peaked at 17.6 right before the walk (I seem to get this problem everytime I have to be 'fit' in public have you noticed??), so knowing I was about to do 'some' cardio, I only injected 3 units. At around the 7km point I felt the low coming while not stopping for a nano second, I check my BGL...4.6... not too bad I thought, and I know alot of people wouldn't even deem this as a low, but I was still mid stride and on the go. So (while still not stopping for a second) I threw back a couple of jellybeans and kept powering on..... about 100 meters later I felt ALL my energy just melt away, as if it fell from my head, down through my boady and washed out my feet across the concrete. 'I can't go on' I thought...and afterall, the organisers had made an effort to advise us this was a non-competitive charity walk. Clearly something else had ticked over in my brain though and I just couldn't seem to stop.... plus maybe if I stopped I wouldn't start again... so I bargained with my finace (uncesccairly, he would've stopped... I think I was actually bargaining with myself) to stop at the next water station 200 meters away.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

What's Up? What Are You Doing? Where AreYou????

'What's Up?'
'What Are You Doing?'
'Where Are You?'
'Can you do this?' (Right now!) 

These are some of the sorts of questions that seem to be popping up (in a very nagging tone) in my life ALOT lately and its had me step back from life and start to wonder what am I doing and am I heading where I want to? So I've taken two weeks leave from my usual job to help me do just that! Now into week two, I've learnt some interesting things, some I already knew, but have just been reminded of too!

1. Diabetes alone cam take up as much time, if not more, than a full time job.
2. Unless you are outspoken about your goals, its is very hard to achieve them.
3. There is absolute truth in the power of positive thought.