.... a mall in Texas, America , I was doing a spot of massive shopping, with my boyfriend at the time, when one of those ‘Secrets from the Dead Sea’ type beauty product people literally grabs my hand and starts rubbing something in. My boyfriend mentions that we were actually on our way to eat ‘as she is a Type 1 Diabetic, so we must be on our way’. But nope, that excuse didn’t quiet go down as planned, rather the Salesperson gasped and almost steps back in horror, all the while still holding my hand. In fact she lifts my hand up into my face so that my painted (slightly chipped nails) are practically in my eye balls and says ‘You know Type 1 Diabetics are not supposed to paint their nails! Naughty! You are more susceptible to chemicals and the polish seeps in through your nails, raising your blood sugars!’
She then proceeded to just glare at me some more as she babbled
on about how now I really really needed her product to right all the wrongs I’d
caused with the nail polish.
If only I'd known earlier why I was getting high blood sugars, I would've drunk more juice, eaten more cake and just not painted my nails! Tell me there's not a scrap of proof in this!