The week kicked off well with a cup of green tea in my fave mug!

The drive to my family home, soon to be my new home is very ...well...homey! I love the trees in bloom and the feel of family life in the streets.

Lows aren't all bad...the perfect excuse for a few sneaky lollies. I've a soft spot for the oldies like bananas and milk bottles.
How could I ever say no to this face!?!? Love!
Just a quarter of all the pamphlets, flyers, and business cards I came home with last Sunday... I decided the dump them out on the table and see what I liked... let the planning begin!
The Wet Season has apparently arrived! - makes 6am starts at the gym a bit harder as I looove sleeping in in the rain...but nothing beats being healthy.
I see a pattern arising here! It seems I see quite a few sayings I attach on to for a few moments. Here's one for this week which made me think about clarity and whats important.
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