My partner (way to eagerly) decided we should weigh ourselves this morning. Ugh...really?!?! Just my luck, I've been really good, sticking to healthy eating and exercising every day... that is until Friday. Work has been hectic, we had a last minute function to organise for a State Governement Ministerial Announcment... which all came to a head Friday and Saturday = long hours, no where near the perfect food intake and no gym. Oh...and I may have just over indulged yesterday...lets just say an empty tim tam packet and a salt & vinegar chip packet went out in the rubbish last night...and Mike was only a very minor accomplice..
So there he is, standing in the kitchen holding the scales up in the air with a big excitable grin on his face, like this is some sort of great idea, as if to say 'YEAH, wooooooo!'. Begrudgingly I sulked over, moaning my excuses, my 'buts and ifs'.... I've lost THREE kilos since Jan 1st! I'd actually put on weigth a week and a half ago and decided to not dare jump back on. So you can imagine my surprise.
Even more staisfying though was the answer to Mike's question about the impact on my diabetes. My blood sugars have dropped and are now much more in control than around Christmas time. Even better, my total daily insulin unit intake three weeks ago was 45-55 units. Now? 25-35!!
Sunday, 20 January 2013
The week in Pics!
The week kicked off well with a cup of green tea in my fave mug!

The drive to my family home, soon to be my new home is very ...well...homey! I love the trees in bloom and the feel of family life in the streets.

Lows aren't all bad...the perfect excuse for a few sneaky lollies. I've a soft spot for the oldies like bananas and milk bottles.
How could I ever say no to this face!?!? Love!
Just a quarter of all the pamphlets, flyers, and business cards I came home with last Sunday... I decided the dump them out on the table and see what I liked... let the planning begin!
The Wet Season has apparently arrived! - makes 6am starts at the gym a bit harder as I looove sleeping in in the rain...but nothing beats being healthy.
I see a pattern arising here! It seems I see quite a few sayings I attach on to for a few moments. Here's one for this week which made me think about clarity and whats important.
Friday, 18 January 2013
Sticking to it is half the battle!
This morning I am risking falling into my old ways as I'm pushing all things health and vital aside for work and other 'not-so-important-in-the-long-run' things... i.e. had too much wine last night... did not go to the gym this morning...hence schedule was starting to fray so forgot my lunch...probably won't get to gym this arvo as I'll be tired....and I have to start work at 6.30am tomorrow (on a Saturday!!!) and won't finish until after the gym is closed....Risking it for sure! BUT I am sneaking 5 minutes out of work...(yes...also an early start today, and as luck would have it, 7am start Monday too!)...I just have to tell you what a change these past two weeks back at the gym have made.
Particularly this week, I have made an effort to go to the gym everyday. That's weights and cardio, as hard as I can for 30-40 minutes and then a good 5-10 minutes of concentrated stretching. Most days I am in and out in 45 minutes, no messing about. My insulin sensitivity has improved immensely: two weeks ago I was bordering on 3units to 10g carbs now I'm about 1 or 1.5units to 10g carbs.
Even better, because of the food choices I'm making, most days this week I haven't had to dose at all during the day. (I'll just remind everyone here that I am on multiple daily injections and take 2 shots of Levemir (10units each), one before breakfast and one after dinner). I feel amazing, a bit tired and achy from the gym, but otherwise amazing. I can not recommend a good exercise regime more highly in the management of Type 1 Diabetes.
Particularly this week, I have made an effort to go to the gym everyday. That's weights and cardio, as hard as I can for 30-40 minutes and then a good 5-10 minutes of concentrated stretching. Most days I am in and out in 45 minutes, no messing about. My insulin sensitivity has improved immensely: two weeks ago I was bordering on 3units to 10g carbs now I'm about 1 or 1.5units to 10g carbs.
Even better, because of the food choices I'm making, most days this week I haven't had to dose at all during the day. (I'll just remind everyone here that I am on multiple daily injections and take 2 shots of Levemir (10units each), one before breakfast and one after dinner). I feel amazing, a bit tired and achy from the gym, but otherwise amazing. I can not recommend a good exercise regime more highly in the management of Type 1 Diabetes.
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Picture This...
ONE: Recently my dietitian suggested the use of the 'Easy Diet Diary' for keeping track of my eating habits. I was reluctant at first as it seemed just another thing I have to follow-up on, fill in, and complete ever day! But I am converted, I L-O-V-E love it and my fiance is head-over-heels-hook-line-and-sinker immersed into it to. There are so 10s of thousands of foods in the database and it is sooooo easy to keep track of your goals. It displays, tracks and calculates carbs, sugar, fats, sodium and energy levels to help you stay on track, or loose weight AND it incorporates the effects of I just wish I could make it sync with my iBGstar and I'd be set!!! Oh! and did I mention its AUSTRALIAN.
THREE: Mid week meals at my family home means catching up with my gorgeous pets too! Love that Cat!!
FOUR: We came home one night to this big guy waiting by our door. They're meant to be good luck...I'll take that!
FIVE: The drive home! How can I not love where I live!
SIX: I saw this along the way this week and just really liked it!
SEVEN: My First Bridal expo this week! It was HECTIC...soooo many decisions to be made!!!
Hope you all have a lovely week ahead x
Diet apps,
food diary,
Thursday, 3 January 2013
What a diabetic looks like
How many times have you heard someone say words to the effect of 'oh but you don't look diabetic'? This happened to me quite a lot last year, most likely due to being more 'vocal' about diabetes than usual, and it got me thinking, 'What do people expect me to look like?' 'What do they expect me to say in response to that statement? ....... 'What does diabetes look like?'
Then today, at the pharmacy of all places, I heard those words again for the first time this year - only got three days in! There was a total episode of confusion between myself and the service assistant at the pharmacy. When I stated I'd arrived to pick up an order of blood strips and providing my name, she looked quite bewildered.
I replied to the look by saying 'for diabetes, blood strips for a glucose metre'.
'Oh' she replied, sounding unsure 'What kind?'
'BG Star'
I nearly lost her in bewilderment again to which I said 'Yes, they're a newish strip, its a bit of a funny name and a bit confusing I know'. So she walked off to find my order.
Next minute she holds up a bag and yells out my name to reconfirm. 'Yes that's it'
She then started talking about me in the third person. Yep, as if I wasn't there, I was most confused... then she handed back my NDSS card and said 'I didn't know you could only have the carer's name on the NDSS card'. WTF? I'm not a carer! I'm the diabetic.
Instead I politely said 'Thats just my card, but I don't think you can'.
To which she replied quite plainly 'Oh, you don't look diabetic'
Then just as I'm leaving she starts talking about me in the third person again, saying that they'll phone when the next order arrives... She obviously wasn't convinced I was the diabetic!
SO. I've decided that this year as part of my blogging, I'm going to take a simple image every day of what my life looks like that day...whether related directly to diabetes or not. Coz quite frankly we diabetics, whatever we look like, do alot more than just test, prick, eat and visit doctors (though that does of course shape my days!) Still blogging about the D of course but chucking in a bit of the other things that make me who I am.. .and possibly not one who 'looks like a diabetic' - whatever that's supposed to mean!
Today we went on a few site visits to check out venues for the engagement party... this is what greeted us when we stepped out at the first venue...
Then today, at the pharmacy of all places, I heard those words again for the first time this year - only got three days in! There was a total episode of confusion between myself and the service assistant at the pharmacy. When I stated I'd arrived to pick up an order of blood strips and providing my name, she looked quite bewildered.
I replied to the look by saying 'for diabetes, blood strips for a glucose metre'.
'Oh' she replied, sounding unsure 'What kind?'
'BG Star'
I nearly lost her in bewilderment again to which I said 'Yes, they're a newish strip, its a bit of a funny name and a bit confusing I know'. So she walked off to find my order.
Next minute she holds up a bag and yells out my name to reconfirm. 'Yes that's it'
She then started talking about me in the third person. Yep, as if I wasn't there, I was most confused... then she handed back my NDSS card and said 'I didn't know you could only have the carer's name on the NDSS card'. WTF? I'm not a carer! I'm the diabetic.
Instead I politely said 'Thats just my card, but I don't think you can'.
To which she replied quite plainly 'Oh, you don't look diabetic'
Then just as I'm leaving she starts talking about me in the third person again, saying that they'll phone when the next order arrives... She obviously wasn't convinced I was the diabetic!
SO. I've decided that this year as part of my blogging, I'm going to take a simple image every day of what my life looks like that day...whether related directly to diabetes or not. Coz quite frankly we diabetics, whatever we look like, do alot more than just test, prick, eat and visit doctors (though that does of course shape my days!) Still blogging about the D of course but chucking in a bit of the other things that make me who I am.. .and possibly not one who 'looks like a diabetic' - whatever that's supposed to mean!
Today we went on a few site visits to check out venues for the engagement party... this is what greeted us when we stepped out at the first venue...
What'd you know!?! We ended up picking this place haha. Lets hope there are no ATTACK BIRDS in the spot we'll be dining! Perhaps I should tell my guests to bring their bike helmets or fashion a hat out of an old ice cream bucket for the night!
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
Happy New Year!
I LOVE a new year! Now that I'm getting older, NYE and New Year's day almost seem like Christmas eve and Christmas day did when I was a kid. Full of hope, anticipation and excitement of what lays around the corner. The gift of a new year and all the possibilities that come with it. So excited!
Every year my partner and I, (well I should now be saying Fiance!) we write down our resolutions... dreams, wants and hopes for the year ahead. Then I organise a jar which contains 'magic things' to help make everything we've written come true. Glitter and trinkets from the year past, or colourful bobs and ends. We each also write each other a card, about what ever we want for each other in the coming year or for our relationship together, or simply just to say 'I Love You'.
We then gather all these things together, grab some sort of celebratory drink (Bubbles!), a rug and umbrella and head down to the beach at sunset on the first weekend in January after New Years Day. There we lay out our rug, facing the ocean we pop our drinks and read each other our resolutions - they need to be said out loud so the universe can hear them of course! We then place our lists in the jar along with our unopened cards to each other and screw the lid on tight, fastening it with a big bow. We make a final toast to the magic jar, sealed with a kiss of course!, then lay back and enjoy whats left of the sunset before walking back home.
A year later on New Years Day we open that year and once again read our resolutions, plus our cards to each other. We don't necessarily gauge our year on what we have or have not achieved on the list but instead sit there and just discuss - its important to remember that there are always so many more things crammed into the year than we'd originally put on that list!
Now this year I went to get our jar out of the back of the cupboard.... after the year we've had, such ups and downs, I wasn't as excited as usual, didn't know how I felt really. I reached for the jar, and because of its contents, its usually noisy to wasn't. Picking it up and pulling it closer to my face for inspection I was shocked....then I just couldn't stop laughing. The jar was JAM PACKED with mould. From white through every shade of green onwards to black. A toxic bomb not to be opened under any circumstances, for even if we did, I highly doubt we could read it! It just seemed meant to be. We didn't need to test ourselves further by going over the resolutions we struggled to keep last year. 2012 was hard, a struggle. The jar summed up the year. And I couldn't be happier to be starting this year anew.
Every year my partner and I, (well I should now be saying Fiance!) we write down our resolutions... dreams, wants and hopes for the year ahead. Then I organise a jar which contains 'magic things' to help make everything we've written come true. Glitter and trinkets from the year past, or colourful bobs and ends. We each also write each other a card, about what ever we want for each other in the coming year or for our relationship together, or simply just to say 'I Love You'.
We then gather all these things together, grab some sort of celebratory drink (Bubbles!), a rug and umbrella and head down to the beach at sunset on the first weekend in January after New Years Day. There we lay out our rug, facing the ocean we pop our drinks and read each other our resolutions - they need to be said out loud so the universe can hear them of course! We then place our lists in the jar along with our unopened cards to each other and screw the lid on tight, fastening it with a big bow. We make a final toast to the magic jar, sealed with a kiss of course!, then lay back and enjoy whats left of the sunset before walking back home.
A year later on New Years Day we open that year and once again read our resolutions, plus our cards to each other. We don't necessarily gauge our year on what we have or have not achieved on the list but instead sit there and just discuss - its important to remember that there are always so many more things crammed into the year than we'd originally put on that list!
Now this year I went to get our jar out of the back of the cupboard.... after the year we've had, such ups and downs, I wasn't as excited as usual, didn't know how I felt really. I reached for the jar, and because of its contents, its usually noisy to wasn't. Picking it up and pulling it closer to my face for inspection I was shocked....then I just couldn't stop laughing. The jar was JAM PACKED with mould. From white through every shade of green onwards to black. A toxic bomb not to be opened under any circumstances, for even if we did, I highly doubt we could read it! It just seemed meant to be. We didn't need to test ourselves further by going over the resolutions we struggled to keep last year. 2012 was hard, a struggle. The jar summed up the year. And I couldn't be happier to be starting this year anew.
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Goodbye 2012! |
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