It seems a bit early in the process but I think I've been suffering a bit of 'burn out' in the last two weeks - so I hope I haven't lost any of you in my absence! Trying to blog everyday seems a bit ambitious, and perhaps even an overload, so I'm scaling back my aims for now and will try to shoot for around twice a week instead! Its amazing how we push ourselves day to day and then it just takes that one extra commitment, that one piece of bad news, that one metaphorical punch from left field, and suddenly we realise how close to our edge we've been riding - pushing the limit. Sometimes this really frustrates me and it takes a couple days just to get my head around that in fact, I do have a limit (really seem to struggle remembering this!) and that all those sayings about redefining your limits/pushing through & breaking your limits, sometimes just can't apply to a Type 1 Diabetic - we need our down time, we have to have time out to breathe. Re-level with ourselves.
The whole concept of stress is also of major annoyance to me, luckily so much so, its laughable. Does any one else ever find that once they realise they're a bit stressed, they start stressing that they're stressed? This happens to me because I suddenly remember how much stress can impact my blood sugars (high!) and start some silly cycle of sticky high numbers which could potentially create a ripple effect lasting more than just the time it takes to solve the original issue at hand. I think this might also be about the same time a non-diabetic might reach for the chocolate ice cream, greasy food or midnight red bull... several examples of a 'no go' zone for me! The sensible substitutes - a square of dark chocolate, salad or a decaf coffee would probably just enable further frustration to join the festering stress levels. My best answer? A run, gym workout, walk on the beach - deep breaths and physical movement. Clears the head and my blood sugar seems to love it too. (Now all I have to do it make sure I don't stay at work too long!...prioritise, priority number 1 being my body)
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