Today I went to the
Rotary D9550 Zone Assembly, a gathering of Rotarians aimed to better current practises in our district and strategise to increase membership now and into the future. It was a fairly interesting day all in all, but anyone born post 1965 was most definitely under represented! That alone should have been a question for the agenda. While I am proud to be a Rotarian, and it is something that has long been on my list of aspirations, I am currently at a cross roads, unsure of how I should proceed. Rotary is a huge commitment, both financially and time wise. Which if I was confident was being spent well, I would be more than happy to continue giving. I joined Rotary for three main reasons, in order they are:
1. To give back to the people who gave me one of the greatest opportunities of my life: a year as an exchange student
2. To join a community cause. to give back to my community: globally and locally
3. To network with the business community and like minded people.
Over the last year my partner and I have been a part of a couple great projects through our club, but weighed against our enthusiasm, willingness, monetary input, time cost and desire to make a deep and lasting difference - I definitely can not say we feel it is the right fit for us. I so desperately want Rotary to be our cause. My partner and I so desperately just want to give back by helping the community from the ground level. Further to this, we have many reasons why we need to be efficient in
how we give. I, like so many others, have plenty going on in my life: just managing type 1 diabetes can be more than enough to take on some days! So you can understand why I need to be wise about anything extra I take on, no matter now much I want it, no matter how good my intentions.
The idea of
e-clubs has been suggested and I'm going to doing some investigating...but again this wasn't really what I was hoping to put in or get out of Rotary.
If anyone has any ideas/comments on how they give back to the community while balancing a busy life, I'd love to hear them!