It's not that I haven't been thinking about it, and about you. It's just that some how time got lost and you know what, I think I've been suffering diabetes burn out without even realising. Over the last three months I have moved house, back into my family home, with my father (and fiancé)... and what a very testing period of adjustment that has caused! I've spent three weeks in New Zealand, getting to know my fiancé's family before I fully commit! (They're all simply wonderful and I am blessed). We have sold the family holiday home...packing is officially one of the worst tasks ever...storing it has also been a complete debacle. I've been planning our wedding, become car-less....Annnnnd little brother has announced his wedding date... to be four weeks after ours, hecticness ensured! Oh and yes, delightful diabetes was there by my side, every day, every second, chucking in her highs and lows to keep things really interesting!
I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break yourself and that 2014 has kicked off to a fantastic start. I'm already getting excited about getting in touch with you all again and sharing our Diabetes journeys.
Much Love x
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