Tuesday, 18 September 2012

iBG Star: First Impressions could shine brighter

Just like many others across Australia, I received the golden email Friday afternoon, announcing the iBG Star was available for purchase by the public. I hadn't felt this sort of excitement since I was a kid on Christmas eve! I love my iPhone, and use it to do almost everything, so why not test my blood sugar too? Ringing through, their customer service was lovely, everyone was so nice! - I say everyone as I spoke to about four different people! One to answer the phone, one to get my details, one to take payment and another to tell me where to get blood strips.

Then yesterday afternoon there is was! (cue imaginary rays of sun shining down from the heavens complete with music as I picked up the box) I hadn't expected it to arrive so quickly. I tore into it, pulling each item in the box out and laying it on the table. I thought I'd do the 'right' thing and read the instructions carefully... but we all know that gets very boring, very quickly and is a total excitement zapper... besides, the meter itself charged very quickly.

That's about the point where my excitement started to mix with distrust which continued to make me pick a few holes in it though (now this could just be down to the need to read the instruction book properly still). After testing with the control solution, I took my first reading - 20.0! (What?!?). I knew I was high but not that high!! I grabbed my old meter, tested, and was 14.9...pretty substantial difference! So of course this led to me using both meters every time I tested for the next 12 hours. Sore fingers anyone?? The discrepency hasn't happened since that first test...Murphy's law, but I'm happy.

Other things I've noticed / am sorting out!:
  • If I exercise I can't stipulate if the blood sugar I took was before or after.
  • I can't type in my own notes - i.e. the type of food I've eaten: I can add the number of carbs sure, but I believe food intake related to diabetes management is more than just the number of carbs.
  • For blood sugar tests made on the meter when it's not attached to my iPhone, it only records the reading, I can not add the carbs, units etc on the iPhone even after syncing as the reading is 'locked'. So while it works without the iPhone, there's not that much point.
  • Ugh!!! just plugged it in to check on the issue above and the app is completely missing! Asking me to install again! I just synced with my computer.... Being Gen Y I'm supposed to be good with technology...
Definitely need to give that instruction manual another proper read. I'll keep you posted on my progress!


  1. Looking forward to hear how you go - I downloaded the app to have a look at it first - after a few 'plays' with the app - i'm kind of thinking of sticking with my current meter and other diabetes app - Tracker 3 - as I can add all my regular meals and snacks to the database - only downside is Tracker3 is only preprogramed with US and UK food data - but i'm building up a nice little favourites list of my own too...the iBG star does look cool though..

  2. DEFINATELY time to read that manual - you can enter any of your own notes about food, activity etc. We have been trialling the iBGStar and LOVE it

  3. I've been using the iBGStar for over a month now and love it. You can personalise the device a lot - and edit/add a lot of information including food. Have you had a look online at some other consumer reviews and tips? Not sure how much research you did beforehand, but I know that I read a lot of comments and blogs from other people with diabetes and had an arsenal of tips and advice which came in really handy when mine arrived. Good luck - as far as convenience goes, this meter can't be beat! And the accuracy - which as far as I'm concerned is the most important thing! - is great (lots of side-by-side checking).

  4. Thank you! The blessings of the DOC! :) I've started making my own notes like you said (I could probably make notes forever!) and am definitely loving it more everyday.
