Monday, 16 July 2012

The Good Stuff

You may have already noticed that I'm a huge believer in the effect of one's positive attitude upon their health and life in general, and the past week has been no exception. Lately, I've been really trying to consciously stay upbeat and not get tired - as its often these two things which result in me temporarily 'falling off the wagon'. It's been a week since I started taking Virgin Coconut Oil and at the moment, I still feel like its just my optimism that has kicked in. Overall my blood sugars have been much more stable but I have not had to drop my insulin dosages. Also, I think that because I've been so conscious about the oil intake, my emotions and energy levels, I've subconsciously been eating better. I've resumed writing EVERYTHING down in my diabetes diary again too which always helps me stay on track.

What am I taking away from the experience so far? Its hard to tell what's making a difference and there's still other elements I want to add to the mix, but it's obvious that good health is clearly a result of a holistic approach.

This week my aims are to increase my exercise levels back closer to my usual amount (30minutes - 1hour a day) and remember to take fish oil daily (greatly helps with my joints and general well being). I'm also currently taking 20 units of Levemir and around 25-30 units of Novorapid a day. I would like to see my overall daily insulin intake drop closer to 30-40 units rather than 40-50.

I'd love to know how much total insulin other type 1's aim to take daily or if there's any vitamins and alternative approaches other diabetics feel have worked for them!


  1. Hi Jessica,
    I am the mother of a 12 year old boy diagnosed with type 1 three years ago so I am finding it very interesting to read your blog, especially with regards your extreme tiredness when you are very busy - its good for me to hear that as it is difficult to guage that with my son but I will certainly take him more seriously in future when he wants to opt out of something because he is tired.
    Today I just want to ask your advice - mitchell and I are running the 'city to surf' this sunday (14 km) and I just wonder if you have any tips for mitchell how to manage his blood sugars? Mitchell wears an insulin pump. Thanks for your help. Regards Marguerite

    1. Hi Marguerite,

      How did you and your son go on Sunday? I hope everything went well and a huge congraulations for representing the Type 1 community! Sorry I wasn't able to help you before the gun went off. I would be interested to hear about Mitchell's experience with City to Surf. I find that no matter how much training I do for public runs, that it can be the whole week leading up to the event which is most important. Also the time and length of the event is a huge factor in how I prepare - these things determine the type of food I eat and when, as well has how much to dose and when.

      I'm very proud of fellow diabetics who take on sport. It can be tricky but very rewarding at the same time! Mitchell is also very lucky to have such a supportive and proactive parent, it makes the world of difference.

      Congratulations to you both again.
