I've been missing in the blogosphere for about five weeks now! And right after I told you all I was going to 'get-fit-while-recording-everything-and-being-an-awesome-diabetic'... HA!
Since last posting, I've had a birthday (which we celebrated not once, not twice, but three times!) we've moved home and had to get our old apartment ready to rent out (what a ridiculously HUGE job!), my computer died (makes posting pretty hard), then consequently didn't blog for a while and so forgot my password, been in two fun runs... and my main employer asked me to come back five days a week instead of four (that spare day was doing absolute wonders for my diabetes management and general wellbeing). All the while, my fiancé and I have been trying our darnest to stick to Shaun T's absolutely insane 'Insanity' workout.
Before I get stuck into things, I'd like to say a big big thank you to the very kind souls who contacted me just to say hi and see where I was, or even just to ask when I was actually going to post about something. It's such a rewarding feeling to get feedback as sometimes its easy to wonder if anyone is reading.
So, that brings me to the focus of this post:
We just started month two and it felt like I was right back at the very beginning with very very average fitness. I literally thought I was going to vomit while I passed out. Nothing that dramatic happened, but there is a warning at the start of every dvd that warns of all the dire possibilities. If you are thinking of doing Insanity, take those warnings very very seriously. If you don't know what Insanity is, check out this link:

Let me take you back to the beginning: My Insanity Overview so far!
Week 1: Day one is a fitness test, its hard if simply because you've really no idea what's in store. It was also painful because we did our own weigh and measure...
with photos. I'm not beating myself up and I feel blessed for what I do have... but taking those photos was just a bit uncomfortable. The fit test is enough to get you in a state of scared excitement though.
Day two: well hello hurt train! Bring on the pain! Its about at day 2 and 3 that I began to wonder if maybe I needed a different dvd, like an Insanity for pre-schoolers. I didn't quite think it would hit so hard so fast. My calves in particular where killing, it was like walking around with rocks duct taped to the back of my legs, unbelievable and absolutely no word of a lie! At this point we had to start upping our dose of magnesium because we were finding it hard to sleep through the muscle pain at night. My blood sugars were also now entering a major state of confusion.
Day 4: Shaun T had me, I don't think I could even do another squat, let alone a jumping one followed by high knees, globe jumps, push ups, power jacks etc etc (that's just the warm up by the way!).
Day 5 my blood sugars had started going high right before I started (adrenalin?) and then plummeting half way in, only to skyrocket after. Ughhhhh I was beginning to wonder if it was insane of a diabetic to do this!
Day 6 I hobbled through and
Day 7, well Shaun T believes in a day of rest on Sundays thank GOODNESS!!
Week 2: Much much better than week 1! While I still struggled to make it through a full workout largely in part to my crazy blood sugars, my muscles seemed to be in less pain after each workout, and I'm so glad I hung in there. The magnesium was really working and I was actually having some of the best night sleep in a long long time. At this stage I was still working out 3-5 mornings a week at the gym (30-45mins) and we were doing the Insanity workout in the afternoons around 5.30pm. I was also getting a lot better at feeling what my blood sugar was during a workout, and pushing my limits without much consequence. Normally if my blood sugar was sitting around 5 mmol I wouldn't keep going but I've managed to push through that fear and everything has been fine. In this week I noticed that I was going high if I hadn't had insulin in the last 4 hours before a workout. So I started making sure I had either enough carbs at lunch (around 1.30pm) to dose for, or a substantial snack of about 30 carbs around 3pm (that I dosed for). I dropped my usual ratio just a little and I would start the workouts about 9-11 mmol and finish about 6-9 mmol.
My biggest struggle during this week was the horrendous pain I was getting in the arches of my feet (this was happening the week before but I thought it might go away with time). My fiancé was also getting a bit of pain, so I wasn't overly concerned it was a diabetic problem, but it was stopping me working out. So I just got rid of my shoes all together and have since been doing the workout in bare feet. Now I'm not suggesting everyone do this, it just works for me. I have to be extremely mindful of how I land and stretch and so on, and we have invested in some matting which helps with shock absorption.
Week three: I was starting to get much more used to what to expect and this is when we really started focusing on technique, repetitions and duration (as in trying like crazy to keep up with Shaun T & his posse, start to finish!). Its also the point where I'd get overly frustrated if my blood sugars weren't right. With Insanity if my blood sugars where any higher than 12 I just couldn't do it, it was like trying to smash through a brick wall with my hands tied behind my back and a rubber band pulling me the other way. Throughout the weeks I'd also been wearing a heart rate monitor. At the beginning of week three we did out fortnightly fit test and this is when we both started to notice a real difference in our strength and endurance. I was already noticeably fitter and despite going harder by this time, my heart rate was much more controlled. On average I was burning 300-350 calories for a 35-45 minute session (There was still room to go harder...but the diabetes balancing act was slowing me down).
Week 4 (& 5): Because I'd been sick on an off during week one and two...plus it had just been HARD and we all have a life so I'd found it hard to do six workouts a week, we decided to do an extra week in the first month. Sure glad we did! Around about this time is also when I started noticing physically changes. Unfortunately I'm still a while off a six pack, for numerous reasons: The first being that my stomach is not instantly going to be forgiving of me after 18 years of injecting liquid into it multiple times a day. The second being that trying to make diabetes work with Insanity has been tough. I've had to work out eating, sleeping, & dosing to a fine art all over again. Its not like running and its not like the gym, its been a whole other realm of diabetes juggling to work out as I've discovered I need to be absolutely spot on (with everything! water intake, sleep, type of food, protein intake) to get the most out of it, otherwise I die half way through or have to eat jellybeans...defeats the purpose a bit! Its also meant that while my fiancé just keeps smashing through, I'd pull back and think 'how hard should I really push today?'. And then of course things constantly change as I get fitter and used to this type of workout. As you would all know, that sort of understanding and planning doesn't happen overnight! It probably took me 2-3 weeks to settle into it properly (and I'm still tweaking of course).
Something else I've found is that its been really easy to get dehydrated. By week 4 I felt depleted and weak throughout out the day despite drinking 1-2 litres of water a day, and eating well so I started taking some electrolytes every now and again which has made a bit difference.
BUT I've definitely toned up and lost cms. I have not lost weight though. Which simply says to me that I've put on muscle.
In week four we went for our first run since starting the program. I was simply blown away. I ran 5k with absolutely no dramas. I'd barely even run to my car in the last two months, and there I was, 5k easy. I've never felt stronger or fitter. My clothes fit differently, in a great way and I feel more confident. 5 weeks in and I can guarantee I'd already achieved worth while results.
Recovery Week: I actually really enjoyed this week and got excited to come home to it (I'll admit, there is a particular kind of dread coming home to Insanity every other day!). But then our sense of excitement had us worried about what was in store in month 2. My blood sugars were also horrible, so so horrible this week. Just high high high. No matter what I did. I was actually starting to get depressed! I had stopped going to the gym the week before this and I think combined with the stress of moving, it was all just a bit much!!!
Month Two: So here I am, week 1, month 2... and as I said, I thought I was going to vomit. Its hard. really hard. But surprisingly I find the warm up sessions easier. False sense of security though. I will update you again as the weeks go on!!
My conclusion so far? Is it as Insane as it claims? Heck Yes!! Would I recommend doing it? Abso-freaking-lutely!